Start your customer-satisfying
Financial DX with AI

PERSONA AI's technology understands even the innermost thoughts of customers.
Analyze your customers with AI and provide new value.

What Korea's Best Financial Companies
Say About Persona AI

20% UP

Enhancing Loan
Consultation Services

We have implemented PERSONA AI task-processing chatbot for the financial sector, handling various counter services from inquiries and modification services to certificate issuance. By steadily expanding the chatbot's consultation areas and application channels, we aim to create an efficient work environment where human consultants can focus on high-difficulty consultations, and further advance our AI consultation platform.

Perfectly understand
your customer interactions

Get a comprehensive view of customer interactions across all channels including web, mobile, apps, and POS. This is your opportunity to capture everything from customer interests, preferred channels and services, to pain points in their journey without missing a detail.

Analyze diverse customer dispositions
and emotions

Examine the dispositions and emotions of various customers accessing different channels. Find ways to reinforce positive emotions in friendly customers and effectively respond to negative customers.

Enhance customer loyalty through satisfying consultations

Improve consultation satisfaction and strengthen customer loyalty through hybrid CS with direct consultant participation, real-time automatic learning for unattended inquiries, and monitoring features.

Migrate to the cloud
and reduce costs

Nutrisystem, a leading wellness company in the US, migrated their contact center to the cloud, reducing technology and network costs by about 20%. Implement cloud-based AI services to cut server costs and utilize resources effectively.

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